Lessons /LEASING
We only offer riding lessons to those who would be interested in leasing one of our ponies.
To see if there could be a good fit, we offer an introductory package of 3 lessons to be used within one month of purchase. These lessons include farm orientation, all tack, supplies, riding, and instruction. Rider should have her own certified helmet and boots with at least a 1” heel. We recommend Olsen’s Tack Store for supplies. The cost of these 3 lessons is $579.34. If there is a good fit, then you should move into a lease. Leasing costs a total of $579.34/month and additional lessons with a lease are $70/lesson. All leases are month-to-month and all horse maintenance is covered by the farm. If a pony/rider combination progresses and has an interest in showing then our trainer can facilitate
If you are interested please email through contact us:
Age of rider
height and weight
neighborhood location (I will offer closer alternatives if I know of any)
videos of riding if available (they can be casual)